I thought I'd make it easier for everyone else and share it here. I'm reiterating the instructions here so they are hopefully a bit more clear for others.
You need to install the following:
- Python
- Python Extensions for Windows
- Git
- CouchPotatoServer
Before you can install PyWin32 (aka Python Extensions for Windows), you will need to install the
corresponding version (x86 or x64) of Python 2.7.3.
2. Install Python Extensions for Windows
The version of PyWin32 has to be v2.7, and depending on whether you're running X86 (32bit) or X64 (64bit) Windows then you need the one of the following files (respectively):
- 32bit - pywin32-217.win32-py2.7.exe
- 64bit - pywin32-217.win-amd64-py2.7.exe
The list of all PyWin32 files are here. But you only need the version ending in py2.7.
Install Git from here. You can use the default options. Beware of any changes you make to the install options as some require other packages installed.
I'm running 64 bit windows, so my default install folder for 32 bit software (like Git) is:
C:\Program Files (x86)\
Therefore Git installed to:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Git
Tip: On your Git Bash windows, mouse click the Git icon in the top left of the title bar, then select
Properties. Tick the Quick Edit Mode box under the Options tab and then click OK. This will allow you to easily copy and past into Git.
Launch Git Bash from the Start menu.
In Git Bash change the current directory to the path you wish to install CouchPotatoServer (in my case Program Files (x86). For me, this looks like:
cd "C:\Program Files (x86)"
Then type:
git clone https://github.com/RuudBurger/CouchPotatoServer.git
Note: Git is case sensitive as far as I can tell.
Tip: Just copy and past the commands above into Git if they suit. Once text is copied to your
clipboard, just right click in Git to paste it.
This will copy the CouchPotatoServer files from Github to the path your Git Bash is currently configured to.
5. Launch CouchPotatoServer
Open Windows Explorer and navigate to the path you just copied CouchPotatoServer files into.
Double click the CouchPotato.py file to launch the application.
If you like, create a shortcut to this file in your Start menu or Startup folder.
I'll also show you how to integrate with NZBUnity and SabNZBd next.
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